A Patriot's History of the United States
The book that started it all! Learn the definitive conservative history of our country, correcting the biases of historians and other intellectuals who downplay the greatness of America’s patriots.
Over the past decade, A Patriot’s History of the United States has become the definitive conservative history of our country, correcting the biases of historians and other intellectuals who downplay the greatness of America’s patriots. Professors Schweikart and Allen have now revised, updated, and expanded their book, which covers America’s long history with an appreciation for the values that made this nation uniquely successful.
“In A Patriot’s History of the United States, Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen remind us what a few good individuals can do in just a few short centuries… A fluid account of America from the discovery of the Continent up to the present day.”—Brandon Miniter, The Wall Street Journal
“No recent American history challenges the conventional wisdom of academics as aggressively as Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen’s A Patriot’s History of the United States.”—Daniel J. Flynn, Front Page Magazine
“There are a thousand pleasant surprises and heartening reminders that underneath it all America remains a country of ideas, ideals, and optimism—and no amount of revisionism can take that legacy away.”—John Coleman, Humane Studies Review
“A welcome, refreshing, and solid contribution to relearning what we have forgotten and remembering why this nation is good, and worth defending.”—Matthew Spalding, National Review
“Were the Puritans puritanical? Did the robber barons really rob anyone? What made the Great Depression so great? Historian Larry Schweikart sets the record straight.”—Marvin Olasky
“Any reader of Schweikart and Allen’s book will see immediately that it is a serious and substantive volume, based on a full recognition of the important secondary sources written by our major historians.”—Ronald Radosh, Front Page Magazine
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